Friday, September 29, 2006

Cattle train

26th September

We experienced our first chinese train today in real style - hard class. Basically a crowded, noisy carriage full of character. I was boxed in by the window, Ed and a 28 inch screen tv a few centimetres from my nose. This made doing anything tricky except doze in and out of conciousness when the hawking quietened down for a rare minute.

However, 4 hours into the journey our companions with the tv left and I then joined Ed with the constant staring, smiling and laughing at by the locals. It also meant that I was now subjected to their friendly food offerings of eggs, duck intestines and crab apples. I ate half an apple but managed to resist the rest. The locals were really inquisitive; trying to read our books, ask questions and Ed even had his photo taken. Despite the language barrier we managed a bit of communication and were given a grand farewell at our stop, Tai'shan.



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