Tuesday, November 21, 2006


A note to the reader

The blog, as some of you may have noticed has been updated with little regularity over the past month or so. This is not a sign of us having too much fun nor does it signify that we are wandering in the countryside without a map. It is mostly a reflection of the rather haphazard nature of internet connections here in China.

Saturday, for example, is block all useful western sites day (hotmail, blogger, photobox etc). Indeed, it is not possible for us to view our blog directly, which my explain why some of the entries look like they have been arranged by 8 year olds (alas this does not excuse the poor quality grammar). I looked up 'censorship' on wikipedia but that site was blocked too.

This morning I turned on the TV (CCTV no less) to see a group of people exercising in front of the camera. It briefly crossed my mind that I should get up and join in or risk the TV telling me off.



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